Как подобрать мужские трусы
Нет двух одинаковых тел, поэтому сегодняшний выбор стилей мужского нижнего белья так огромен по сравнению с тем, что было несколько десятилетий назад. Все сталкиваются со своими собственными проблемами. Рассмотрим эти варианты, прежде чем покупать нижнее белье.
Источник: http://www.freshpair.com/expert-advice-mens-underwear-growing-pains.html

Your underwear just can’t beat the heat and traps sweat easily. Solution Avoid cotton underwear (which absorbs moisture) and opt for a breathable, stretch microfiber or a moisture-wicking fabric for maximum comfort. For sports and other physical activities, always wear breathable underwear with compression—not only does it help prevent groin injuries, but will keep you from getting too sweaty.

Chronic waistband exposure has others blushing in your presence at a fashion statement and fit gone wrong. Solution You may need to move from full rise or mid rise underwear to low rise underwear. Another solution to prevent a peeking waistband is an undershirt that you can tuck into your pants—Tommy John Stay Tucked Shirts are guaranteed to stay put.

You’re struggling with excess fabric in the groin for a bunchy, uncomfortable fit. Solution Each underwear brand offers varying levels of pouch support, so if you’re experiencing full frontal fabric overload, you may want to experiment with different brands. Underwear with elastic or spandex typically sit closer to the skin and are less likely to bunch than those without.

Your underwear just can’t beat the heat and traps sweat easily. Solution Avoid cotton underwear (which absorbs moisture) and opt for a breathable, stretch microfiber or a moisture-wicking fabric for maximum comfort. For sports and other physical activities, always wear breathable underwear with compression—not only does it help prevent groin injuries, but will keep you from getting too sweaty.